dilluns, 22 de juny del 2015

Conversa amb la dissenyadora de joies Natasa Vergi

Hola amics!

Today will be my first day with a english interview and you will know a Natasha Vergi, a big artist with a great techniche. 
She is a greek jeweller teacher too and with her pieces I see a lot of pasion!

First we begin with her favorite...

Why did you choose this painting to do the Leonardo's bracelet?

First of all, I admire Leonardo because he is a genius. I like everything he did. His paitings, his sketches and all his innovate artwork. Now, about these two paintings, I thought that two old friends would like to keep each other company.

Very difficult to do it I think...

It was difficult enough mostly about the silver part. 

The facial expression...

Mona Lisa's facial expression depicts a mystery and an enigmatic smile. Now the other one with the Lady with an Ermine, I find that their expression is similar.

Another Natasa's resin pieces...



Do you like to desing your jewelry with a minimal lines?

Sure, I like to design with minimal lines but I don't want to limit myself so my artistic expression is variant because I get bored easily, I like my jewelry to have diversity.

It is important for you the color?

The color is very important in certain pieces in contrast to some other that the color is absent. Some pieces are in need of some vividness and by applying colors to it, it helps me express my feelings.

Do you have any artist reference?

Not particularly. I tend to create things by impulse. Random things in everyday life inspire me.

The jewellery textile is sufficiently valued or is on the rise?

These jewellery textiles are my latest creations and I hope that they are on the rise. That will show me that people fancy them and it will be an additional motive for me to continue my work.


As a profesor what is more important: the creativity or the technique? 

In the beggining of the lessons the teaching of simple techniques is nessecary.But in the process the creativity gains ground and all the students are pleased to let their imagination run wild and create.And while they do that,more ideas pop out! It's a very enjoyable process.We call the lessons:happy hours!!

divendres, 12 de juny del 2015

Un tastet amb un toc d'art!

Hola amics!

El tastet d'avui és d'una peça que m'encanta 
perquè ens mostra una pintura d'un gran geni 
com era Leonardo!

En breu coneixereu l'artista!

Bon cap de setmana!